The Next Time I See Your Face

The Last Time I Saw Your Face I kissed you good-bye, knowing you could not return it but in that moment I remembered every kiss before and the joy each one placed in my heart

The Last Time I Saw Your Face we were alone for the first time in days no nurses, no family, no friends, no children or priests just the two of us, like the day we met

The Last Time I Saw Your Face I saw the light in your eyes, the reflection of where you were headed on Your first trip alone in over fifty years

The Last Time I Saw Your Face I didn’t see what everyone else saw the crumpled up little frail body without an ounce of energy left I saw You

The Last Time I Saw Your Face I saw us dancing with your sister and her husband on the dance floor the night I proposed I saw your tears of joy as if it were just last night

The Last Time I Saw Your Face I saw every conversation, every troubled night I saw every time we lay holding each other I saw each prayer, each answer, each relief

The Next Time I See Your Face the door will be opening for me, calling my name the Light will be in my eyes, shining through me and my home and my heart will be one

© Rev. Paul V. Scholl